
Humor from on High

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Cabin Weekend Update

Almost forgot...

After OVERWHELMING reader response (not really), I thought I would include the rules for Shooters Dice Game. Two points about this. 1, Remember that Shooters is the name of the bar in which this game was invented, so the word "Shooters" works on at least two levels, which is nice. And B, although the rules may appear simple here, remember that you are sober, and that they become much more intricate and appealing with three or four pre-beers.

Shooters Dice Game Rules:
Everyone starts with five one dollar bills. Everyone rolls one die, and the highest roller starts the game. The first player rolls two die, and play proceeds according to the chart below, with the next roll going to the person to the right (unless direction is reversed, as indicated in the chart).

2 - Roller pays; an additional roll is required to determine the amount (1 or 2 - $1, 3 or 4 = $2, 5 or 6 = $3); pass die
3 - Player to the left of the roller pays $1; pass die
4 - Player to the right of the roller pays $1; pass die
5 - Player to the left of the roller pays $1; pass die
6 - No one pays; pass die
7 - Roller takes a dollar from pot, unless pot is empty, in which case you're screwed; roll again
8 - No one pays; pass die
9 - Player to the left of the roller pays $1; pass die
10 - Player to the right of the roller pays $1; pass die
11 - Player to the left of the roller pays $1; pass die
12 - Roller takes from pot; additional roll according to rules for rolling a "2" above; pass die

There you go! Feel free to amend to your evil needs.

I'd also wanted to add one more story from the weekend, which is quintessential northern Wisconsin. We walked into another bar that I haven't mentioned yet, where the year before we had played several rousing games of table shuffleboard (one of the best bar games of all time, btw). It was intense. This year, however, there happened to be buffet sitting on top of the table, which I would estimate was rated x*(1/100) quality, where x is Old Country Buffet. So instead, we were forced to drink beer, and buy some Old Style off-sale for later. While we were sitting there, we learned of the drink special of the night. Apparently, Jagermeister was being doled out that evening in proportion to your ability to shoot four-legged animals in the face. That's right. Whereas on other nights, you would pay bucks for booze here, on this particular night it was instead Booze for Bucks. And in order to confirm the exact size of said carcasses (in "points", for the uninitiated), the lovely bar maid had a clipboard dedicated to recording the claims of the blaze-orange-clad patrons before scurrying out to the parking lot periodically to verify the deadness of these animals.

We were not given any Jag for cabin mice that we ensnared with the cunning use of peanut butter.



At 12:45 PM, Blogger Frankie said...

Apparently, Jagermeister was being doled out that evening in proportion to your ability to shoot four-legged animals in the face. That's right.


Thank God I live in a city.

I did go to public school, so I am schooled in the operation of semi-automatic weapons, though...

At 2:46 PM, Blogger Pooh said...

Josh prefers bow-hunting anyway...

At 4:25 PM, Blogger Frankie said...

Just like Napoleon Dynamite...


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